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Pictures party 15th anniversary EUROPOWER

Ladies and gentlemen

On September 17th 2005, EUROPOWER celebrated its 15th anniversary in the presence of more than 700 invited people. It was an unforgettable event that lasted long into the night. From now on until the end of the year, we weekly place 98 new photos online through a slideshow and thumbnails. So, if you can spare 3 minutes a week to check THIS out, you can watch the pictures of this fantastic party. On the slideshow you can set the load time of the slides. If you set the load time at 2 seconds, it will take no more than 3 minutes to watch ± 100 pictures. And within 8 days you can discover another 100 new pictures. This means that you can watch almost 1000 pictures of this event during the next 10 weeks!

Best regards and see you at our website,

the EUROPOWER team

07/11/2005 • EUROPOWER Generators