Ladies and Gentlemen,
The time has come! With great enthusiasm Europower Generators is looking forward to Bauma 2016. By tradition, we will be there again from the 11th until the 17th of April. We will not only be updated about the latest trends in the building machinery and construction industry, we will also get the chance to see our partners again, to exchange ideas and to listen to feedback. We hope that you, Firstname_Placeholder, can join us and we would like to welcome you wholeheartedly to our booth.
But there is more.
To get you just as excited as we are, we want to give you a small task in order to obtain your ticket for Bauma: make a selfie in front of, on top of, under or beside the “Save the date” which you can find by clicking on the following link and post it on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, while tagging or #hashtagging us (#epbauma). Furthermore, that selfie will give you a chance to win a weekend in Brussels or Paris!* Therefore you should e-mail us your selfie with the "Save the Date" as well.